*New* IPUMS Data (updates to IPUMS USA, CDOH, and CPS)
Posted: 2/8/2024 ()
IPUMS recently announced the release of the 5-year ACS microdata from IPUMS USA, topical supplement data from IPUMS CPS, extended coverage of IPUMS Contextual Determinants of Health measures. Learn more in the full story.
IPUMS USAIPUMS USA. Note that this initial release does not include geographic identifiers for areas smaller than states. We will release more detailed geographic units in the coming weeks after implementing special handling for the two definitions of Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) included in the 2022 5-Year PUMS.
The 2022 5-year American Community Survey and Puerto Rico Community Survey PUMS data are now available viaIPUMS CDOHIPUMS Contextual Determinants of Health has updated measures related to racism, sexism, and politics to cover a broader time period. A measure related to same-sex households for all counties in the US, from the 2020 Decennial Census of Population and Housing, is also now available.
IPUMS CPSIPUMS CPS now offers 2022 Unemployment Compensation, 2022 Food Security, 2022 Public Arts, and 2020 Child Support supplement data as well as telework variables for the November and December 2023 basic monthly samples.